Respect, kindness and defence.

The bridging of soft and hard martial arts styles with an emphasis on respect, kindness, and defence.

Traditionally martial arts and self-defence systems usually fit into two categories:

Traditionally martial arts and self-defence systems usually fit into two categories:

  1. A physical (hard) style that emphasizes brute force and focuses purely on self-defence i.e. being a tough guy or girl who knows how to fight and handle themselves.

  2. A softer, more philosophical system that does not place an emphasis on brute force but is often perceived as being impractical for fighting.

What we do at Wing Chun 135 is form a bridge between the hard and soft styles.

We focus on teaching the student essential life skills through martial arts training.

The end result is a student who is humble, has respect and kindness, is able to defend themselves and their loved ones and also contribute to the greater good of the community.




Focus Forward.


It is essential Wing Chun practice to “focus forward” in all our actions and movements which is also true in the development of this essential life skill so that one overcomes obstacles in their life path.


Check IN your ego at the door.


Egotistical behavior is not welcome at Wing Chun 135. As you learn to control your ego, you not only become a better fighter but also a better person.


One team one dream.


We train as a group and we help each other. All students are encouraged to help each other so that the group as a whole gets better together. With this method the overall standard improves as a whole rather than having one or two star individuals.


Practice consistently for continuous improvement.


It is essential to practice regularly. Like anything in life the more you practice the better you become.


Perform the techniques without tension in the body.


Tension in the body acts as a brake and a lever for your opponent to manipulate. Tension slows down your striking speed and gives your opponent an opportunity to resist your strikes and attacks. By training your body and mind over time to move without tension it cultivates calmness in all factors of life, not just your Wing Chun 135 training.

Try our 2 Week Special Now.

2 weeks of training plus a FREE uniform (valued at $69) for $39.95