Please confirm you have read and agree to Wing Chun 135 below.
Wing Chun 135 Terms and Conditions
I accept that no refund, credit or extension will be offered for classes missed due to public holiday closures.
Student undertaking
I agree that I will only use the skills taught to me to be used in self-defence situations only.
I confirm that I do not have a criminal record and I am not involved with or a member of any criminal organisation
Assumption of risk, Release and Waiver of Liability
I acknowledge that the training, while conducted in the safest possible conditions and under qualified supervision, involves physical contact and inherent risks and I accept those risks. I agree to conduct myself in a safe and mature manner and in accordance with the instructions from my instructors. I indemnify Wing Chun135, its proprietors, agents and officers, including all instructors, staff members, and students against any loss or damage suffered by them in connection with my participation in the training.
I confirm I am physically capable of participating in this training and that I have no existing medical condition which precludes or should reasonably preclude my participation.
I agree to release Wing Chun 135, its proprietors, agents and officers, including all instructors, staff members, and students from any liability whatsoever in connection with my participation in this martial arts training program. Without limitation, this includes all loss or damage or injury incurred as a direct or indirect result of my participation.
I agree that I will conduct myself in an appropriate manner and will always act in a manner that is in the best interests of Wing Chun 135.
Authority to use images and video for social media
I hereby authorize Wing Chun 135 to take pictures and video of me for the purposes of advertising and promotional use. (please inform our staff if otherwise)
Training fee payments and direct debit
The 2-week training offer is an introductory offer so that you can experience what we have to offer and decide whether it is right for you. The uniform is yours to keep.
At the completion of this, you will be able to continue training on once a week or twice a week training plan via direct debit.
Once the 2-week training has commenced there are no refunds offered.
Changes to the class timetable
Wing Chun 135 timetables are subject to change.
The best way to stay informed is to follow our Facebook page.
Timetable changes will be announced in classes and displayed in the Club and on the Wing Chun 135 website.
Changes to the terms & conditions
The updated terms and conditions are available on our website. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be effective immediately and will be notified by email.
Under 18 parents/guardians consent
If I am under 18 years of age, I have obtained my parent’s or guardian’s consent and signature to my participation and to these terms and conditions.