


Are you looking for an effective self-defence system?

Want to build your confidence and improve your well-being?

Here’s how Wing Chun 135 can help.

Wing Chun 135 is SO much more than JUST self-defence.

 It is a complete Martial Arts mind and body training system teaching Wing Chun Kung fu at Castle Hill.



Wing Chun is a Chinese Kung Fu system known for its lightning-fast hands and short-range power popularized by Bruce Lee and Yip Man. 

The techniques are most effectively done without tension in the body so that one can maximise acceleration and explosive power. 

Because it is a structural-based fighting system which utilizes the scientific principles of physics and body dynamics rather than brute force it does not rely on size or strength to achieve its results. 

Therefore, anyone can do it irrespective of size, shape or gender.

You will learn to become more powerful with less effort as you progress through the system.



We specialize in giving the underdog a fair fighting chance by teaching the following concepts.


Strike like lightning

We will teach you to increase the acceleration in your strikes by up to a 100% within your first week of training. As Force = Mass x Acceleration, by accelerating more quickly you will generate more power.

Rapid Fire Punching (Chain punching)

The Wing Chun chain punch is a totally different way of punching.

 We will teach you how to punch in rapid-fire succession to give you an unfair advantage. 

Did you know that the chain punch is the only style of punching banned in the MMA?

Learn the 8 power generators in your body to maximise striking impact

We teach you how and where the 8 power generators in your body are so that you strike with up to 100% of your body weight. 

Did you know that most people usually strike with less than 30% of their body weight ?


The ultimate defence is offence

The cornerstone of Wing Chun is simultaneous attack and defense. By fighting in this way we create a formidable self defence machine. Most martial arts defend first and then attack. 

We attack and defend at the same time to minimize any possible counterattack by our opponent.

Attack with multiple vectors to confuse your opponent

We teach you how to attack with multiple vectors of force. 

The opponents mind can easily deal with one vector of force but struggles with 2 or more. 

We teach you how to attack with 2, 3 and 4 vectors of force as you progress through the Wing Chun 135 martial arts system.

How to use the opponents force against themselves

Wing Chun “borrows” the opponents force to use it against themselves. Our purpose is not to fight our opponents force directly but rather redirect their energy so that it can be used against themselves. 

In this way the smaller person can learn to defeat the bigger attacker.

Check out the below video which shows the 7 differences of Wing Chun compared to other arts




If your mind is not trained and is undisciplined then it will simply drift from one thing to another.

We help by training your mind to have laser-like focus.

Confidence comes from having 2 things.

The first is knowledge and the second is keeping the promises that you have made to yourself.

This not only applies to martial arts but in all areas of your life. 

We will train your body and your mind to have focus and clarity so that you can walk down the street with your head held high. Firstly, we will give you all the knowledge that you require in order to improve your self-defence and martial arts skills. Then we will help to train and discipline your mind so that your mind becomes your servant and not your master.

It is when the mind is untrained and you don’t keep the promises you made for yourself that the mind becomes your master and you lose confidence and start hating yourself for not fulfilling your dreams. 

Consider this example. 

If you make a promise to yourself, “I’m going to start my martial arts training every week so I can become stronger and fitter and learn to defend myself”. The first week goes past and all goes well and you start to feel the benefits of training and you feel good about yourself. 

The second week goes by and you miss one lesson because of another commitment. You tell yourself, “that’s ok it’s only one missed lesson”. No big deal right? I will get back on track next week.

The third week goes past and you feel tired from work and once again you miss training. You tell yourself, “that’s ok I will catch up next week”. The fourth week comes along and your mind tells you, “you missed so much training already why bother ?”. 

You then stop training even though you loved the first week and you knew and understood that you would benefit from it. 

You then feel downright rotten and lose all confidence and this vicious cycle happens for every new activity that you try because you did not keep the promise that you made to yourself by sticking to your new training routine. Sound familiar?

The problem wasn’t you, it was your untrained mind. You lost confidence because your mind was your master and you were the slave by listening to it. What if we could help you train your mind so that you were the master and not the slave?

We do this through a specially prepared series of breathing exercises that help you to develop focus and release the tension in your body and your mind. This breathing helps to silence the internal chatter so that you take over the reigns and learn to ignore the mind and become the real you. With this training over time your mind then becomes your slave and you become the master. 

This process helps you to develop more confidence and also gives you the discipline to then pursue and follow through on the things that you love to do. Another of our secret weapons is called Sil Lim Tao (small though) which is a form of standing meditation.

It is the first form of Wing Chun which contains all the hand movements of the art.  It helps you to not only control your mind through the meditative components but also at the same time teach you all the martial components of the art.

What People Are Saying


“Martin is an amazing Sifu/master. Both my boys are always keen and eager to attend their lessons twice a week. Since attending Wing Chun I have seen my boy's physically and mentally improved. Thank you Martin for your patience and encouragement. We are glad to be part of the Wing Chun Castle Hill family.”

— Kerri Lim

“I have trained under Instructor Martin for several years now and have nothing but high praise for him and his approach to Whing Chun. At Wing Chun 135 you will find a friendly environment and the best mentor to embark on your Wing Chun adventure.
Anyone looking to try martial arts in Castle Hill or the surrounding areas should come and check it out.”

— Nathan Whitmore



When I heard that this was Bruce Lees first martial art I knew I had to give it a go.Been coming here twice a week for the last 8 months now and some of these wing chun techniques are honestly so mind-blowing.

Sifu Martin is a legend: very passionate wing Chun instructor/ practitioner who cares lot about his students and knows how to alter his teaching styles in accordance to the student, not only this but he is very friendly and funny when not instructing.

The atmosphere is also excellent, a very peaceful venue and the other students are all amazing too.

It’s not surprising though considering that people come here from all over sydney. Have heard people say they are travelling all the way from Blacktown, Parramatta and even Hornsby.

More so I think Wing Chun is a neccesary martial art due to its emphasis on speed and efficiency. At 135 I’ve learnt how to incorporate its principles into practical self-defence moves as well as learnt a-lot of mind-blowingly simple techniques to get out of sticky situations.”

— Pasindu Sirimanne

“My children have practice different martial arts throughout their life. While the other have been good for them and had benefits, WingChun at WingChun 135 is the only one that has significantly increased their confidence and ability”

WingChun135 is a great martial arts school, their instructors are awesome and qualified.

Thank you Wing Chun135 keep up the good work!”

— Ric Campo


 If you would like to learn this wonderful martial art at Wing Chun 135 in Castle Hill where you can learn an effective self-defence system and develop focus and confidence to create the life you want why not give our 2-week special a try? 

You get 2 weeks training plus a FREE uniform (valued at $69) for $39.95. 


If you don’t feel that you received value for money in your 2 weeks of training we will happily refund your money. 

To begin your 2-week training start here

2 weeks of training plus a FREE uniform (valued at $69) for $39.95